The Book about Your Life

Some people can somehow picture their future,
And some do not know where they want to go in life.
They worry about their future too much....
What if one day, you found a book?
A book the describes every detail about your life.
You flip through the pages and you read,
The day that you were born,
Your first step,
Your first word,
Every challenge that you have faced,
Friendships that you have gained and lost throughout the years,
The days you felt alone, lost, or felt that no one understood you,
Or, days you questioned the existence of humans.
Why are we here?
What is our purpose? My purpose?
The book you found hold the truth about everything in your life.
Everything in it is set in stones, you cannot change anything no matter what you do.
Would you continue reading it?
Or, would you put it down and enjoy the moment rather than worrying about the future?
Idea from "If you were given a book with the story of your life would you read the end" - Anonymous


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