There will come a point in your life when you decide who/what matters.
There will come a point in your life when you must let go of people.
There will be a day when you look at someone for the last time and say goodbye.
There will be days when you can’t stop thinking about them.
There will be days when you will miss them and wish you can go back to how you used to be.
There will be days when you are hurting badly, but you will get over it when you are ready for a new beginning.

In relationships, some say they are the right person, but wrong timing.
You see, if you love something enough, you must value it, cherish it, and love it no matter what.
A person is in your life for a reason, everything happens for a reason.
There’s no wrong timing.
If two people are truly meant to be together, then they will find a way to make it work.

Why put yourself in the same position over and over?
Why choose to feel this way?
You deserve to be loved and valued.
However, you must value yourself first, take care of yourself.
Know what you want and what you will put up with.
If a person truly loves you, they’ll be there. 
Don't hurt yourself, my darling.



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