What is Your Purpose?

      We live in a world full of dissatisfied people. A lot of them are not satisfied with their life, and not satisfied with themselves. How they wish they could be doing something else, something more. How they could be someone else; their favorite celebrity, someone better looking, or someone with a good lifestyle.

    What you do right now is what the outcome of your future will be. Most people think that money is not everything. It is not, but it is what you need to get by and live this world that we know. There will be people out there who will distract you, who will pull you away from your career paths and drag you down to their unsuccessful lifestyle. You have to be observant and watch for those type of people. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people who influence you for the better. Don’t be afraid to let the negative people go, because you don’t need any negativity in your life. The person you will become, the lifestyle that you will have, is the type of people you waste your time on.

    We all won’t make it out alive. You can have fun and throw your life away doing just whatever to look “cool”, sure, or do something different with your life that people will remember you by, something good, someone who can make a difference in this world. You were given a life to live. Some babies die from birth, but you lived. Be thankful for that, don’t take it for granted.

    Stop “wishing” to be someone else. Because those people that you are “wishing” for knew what they wanted when they were younger, they knew what path to take, what type of people to hang around with and they knew what their purpose was. Stop wishing, and start working on yourself, be someone you always wanted to be, someone better. What is your purpose?


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