When Will You See a Loved One for the Last Time?

My grandparents, Bummy and Herb Yantis, celebrated their 70th anniversary on June 27, and  that day at their party I gave a speech that I wrote on “last time.” As people get older, they do not want anything else but your “time.”
We forget that we are temporary in this world. People are temporary, and we forget that the people we know will not always be there for us. We often say “bye” without thinking that it might be the last time we see that person. We always assume that we will see and hear from them again tomorrow.
But, the sad thing is, you can’t really know and you can never really tell when that day is the “last time.” So, when you are spending time with someone, cherish every moment. Make it memorable like it is the “last time.” Because, we nowadays often take people for granted.

We are so entertained by our cell phones, TVs, video games, smoking, drinking and money. Are those more valuable than the person right in front of you and the people you say you care about?
You can always have those little things; it is unlimited. But, you can only have that one mom, dad, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa and a friend in this world. There are no duplicates; they are one of a kind.
So, you have to really ask yourself, “How much do I value those people around me?” Should you put them on hold? Were you both happy the “last time” you were together?  
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” This is one of my favorite quotes, by “Dr. Seuss” Theodor Seuss Geisel.
                                                      -Skyheart Yantis


  1. Memories often hold the weight of a thousand waves... they come washing over you. Sometimes a tempest, sometimes a trickle, but never as you’d like them, but as they choose to be. Impacting like a hammer, or gentle like a butterfly’s wing; they come as they please.


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