Did I matter?

Before you die, ask yourself this questions.
Did I matter to the world? Did I make a difference in people’s lives?
Did I influence anybody in a way they enjoy life even more?
Did I appreciate all the little things? Did I take anyone for granted?
Was I happy without all the materialistic things?
Was I happy with myself and the people that I surrounded myself with?
Was I satisfied with the results of my actions?
Sometimes people strive to get ahead of everybody, to make sure they have everything.
Everything that makes them seem like they are in control, and that they are better than anyone else.
Sometimes people are too focus on getting the materialistic things, the fame, and the certificate only to say, “I have achieved this”. Was it worth it?
But, did they really achieve what life is all about?
A lot of people are also so blinded by social media. Instead of talking for hours in person, they do it on their phone instead- texting. We are slowly losing that human interaction, and a lot of people don't even realize it.
Life is about being selfless, life is about caring for yourself – take care of your soul, life is about showing you care for other people, because we are all in this together.
There is no poor and there is no rich.
People who claim that they are poor, does not appreciate the little things they have. You are not poor, you crave the materials that human beings have created.
People who claim that they are rich, are only rich with man-made materialistic things.
But, they are not rich with love and happiness within themselves.
People have been so blinded by the world, they choose the materials that human beings have made. They no longer focus on finding out what their purpose is, who they are, appreciating who or what they have in their life, and have forgotten their values.
What would people say about you at your funeral?



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